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Privacy Policy

We are Diono, L.L.C. dba Diono, a Washington limited liability company (Diono U.S.A.), and its foreign-related companies, Diono ULC, a Canadian unlimited liability company (Diono Canada), Diono Ltd. a United Kingdom limited company (Diono U.K.), and Diono GmbH, a German company with limited liability (Diono E.U.) (Diono U.S.A., Diono Canada, Diono U.K., and Diono E.U. shall be collectively referred to herein as Diono), and are the owner and operator of the website and all of its subpages (collectively, the Website), the children’s products sales platform accessed via the Website (the Platform), including any content, functionality, and services offered on or through the Website or Platform (collectively, the Services) (Website, Platform, and Services shall be collectively referred to herein as the Technology).

This Diono Privacy Policy (Policy) is entered into by and between you and Diono, and governs the use, processing, and disclosure of your Personal Information (as defined in Section 2.1 below) on or via the Technology. Diono respects your privacy and as a part of Diono’s mission to provide you quality children’s products, Diono collects, processes, stores, and discloses certain personal information you provide on the Technology under specific conditions, and in accordance with applicable privacy laws and regulations, including California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA; California Civil Code sections 22575-22579) and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR; EU Regulation 2016/679).

This Policy describes what information Diono collects from you, how it is used and secured, and when and to whom it may be disclosed. Please take a few minutes to review this Policy.

2.1 Collected Personal Information. Diono and its designated third-party agents may collect the following forms of personally identifiable information and content you provide on the Technology, or which you permit Diono to collect from third-party websites and applications (collectively, Personal Information): (a) personal names; (b) phone numbers; (c) billing addresses; (d) e-mail addresses; (e) demographic information; (f) personal identification numbers; (g) payment information (e.g., credit card numbers, bank account numbers, etc.); (h) device identification information; (i) geolocation data; (j) preferred language and country information; (k) communications sent via the Technology; and (l) other reasonably relevant information pertaining to your use of the Technology including without limitation your Internet protocol addresses, Technology account usernames and passwords, and standard web log information.

2.2 Your Information Obligations. Diono requires that you only provide Personal Information to Diono, whether directly or indirectly, that is up-to-date and accurate, and that you inform Diono of any changes or corrections to such Personal Information. You also assure Diono that you have the right and authority to (a) disclose such Personal Information to Diono on the Technology; and (b) allow Diono and its agents to collect, use, and disclose such Personal Information as detailed in this Policy.

2.3 Personal Information Amendments. Diono requires that you update and correct any Personal Information you provide to Diono via the Technology. If any information you have provided to Diono is incorrect or outdated, please notify Diono at:

2.4 US State Laws and Jurisdictions. Diono is committed to respecting your privacy rights and complying with applicable state privacy laws in the US. Note that state laws are constantly changing and depending on where you live, you may have additional rights and choices regarding your personal information under those laws.

We follow all U.S. state laws, including:

  • California. Diono is committed to fully complying with laws of the state of California including the California Privacy Rights Act of 2023 (CPRA), California Invasion of Privacy Act, California Unauthorized Access to Computer Data Act and the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2020(CCPA). These laws grant California residents the right to access, delete, correct, and opt out of the sale or sharing of their personal information, as well as the right to limit the use of their sensitive personal information, the right to non-discrimination for exercising their privacy rights, and to know if their data is being shared with third parties.
    • We do not target our marketing at people under the age of 16.
    • Additionally, we would require opt-in or parental consent before selling any of your personal information.
    • You will not be discriminated against if you choose to opt-out. If you opt-in, however, you will have certain benefits made available to you including marketing campaigns, special pricing, promotions, discounts, and other benefits.
    • You as a consumer have the right to opt-out of certain marketing activities if you choose to. You may opt-out at any time by following the information in the Opt-out section.
    • If you choose to purchase something from our site, we may use a third-party provider for that purchase activity. By using that system, you consent to sharing your information with them. We and they will not sell your information. You may get additional information on their privacy program via their privacy notice.
      • Colorado. Diono is fully committed to complying with the laws of Colorado. This includes The Colorado Privacy Act effective July 2023 (CPA), which grants Colorado residents the right to access, delete, correct, and opt out of the processing of their personal information for targeted advertising, sale, or certain other purposes, as well as the right to data portability and the right to non-discrimination for exercising their privacy rights.
      • Connecticut. Diono is fully committed to complying with the laws of Connecticut. This includes the Connecticut Data Privacy Act effective July 2023 (CDPA), which grants Connecticut residents the right to access, delete, correct, and opt out of the sale or sharing of their personal information, as well as the right to data portability and the right to non-discrimination for exercising their privacy rights.
      • Montana. Diono is fully committed to complying with the laws of Montana. This includes the Montana Consumer Data Privacy Act effective October 2024 which grants consumers the right to access, correct, delete, opt out of processing for profiling/targeted advertising purposes, right to portability, to opt-out of sales, opt in for sensitive data processing and right against automated decision making.
      • Oregon. Diono is fully committed to complying with the laws of Oregon. This includes the Oregon Consumer Privacy Act effective July 2024, which grants consumers the right to access, correct, delete, opt out of processing for profiling/targeted advertising purposes, right to portability, to opt-out of sales, opt in for sensitive data processing and right against automated decision making.
      • Texas. Diono is fully committed to complying with the laws of Texas. This includes the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act effective July 2024, which grants consumers the right to access, correct, delete, opt out of processing for profiling/targeted advertising purposes, right to portability, to opt-out of sales, opt in for sensitive data processing and right against automated decision making.
      • Utah. Diono is fully committed to complying with the laws of Utah. This includes The Utah Consumer Privacy Act effective December 2023 (UCPA), which grants Utah residents the right to access, delete, and opt out of the processing of their personal information for targeted advertising, sale, or certain other purposes, as well as the right to data portability and the right to non-discrimination for exercising their privacy rights.
      • Virginia. Diono is fully committed to complying with the laws of Virginia. This includes The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act effective January 2023 (VCDPA), which grants Virginia residents the right to access, delete, correct, and opt out of the processing of their personal information for targeted advertising, sale, or profiling, as well as the right to data portability and the right to non-discrimination for exercising their privacy rights.

      If you are a resident of any of these states and would like to exercise your rights under these laws, please choose your preferred options in the OPT-OUT + DO NOT SELL MY DATA Section.

      When you register a Website or Platform account or utilize any of the Technology, Diono may assign you a unique identifier and send such information to your computer or device hard drive in the form of a cookie, which is a very small bit of code. This code is uniquely yours. It is used to assist you in utilizing the Technology. If you do not wish to have any such cookies on your devices, you may turn them off at any time by modifying your device’s Internet browser settings. However, by disabling cookies on your device, you may be prohibited from fully utilizing the Technology.

      Diono may use your Personal Information for the following purposes:

      4.1 Operating the Technology: Diono may use your Personal Information in providing and operating the Technology, and promoting Technology updates and events, including without limitation communicating with you about Diono’s promotions based on your selected preferences made on the Technology, and completing purchase transactions made on the Platform;

      4.2 Analyze Industry, Market, and Societal Trends: Diono may use your
      anonymous information to analyze and interpret industry, market, and/or societal trends related to use of our website.

      4.3 Resolve Disputes and Troubleshoot Problems: Diono may use your Personal Information to investigate or resolve any Technology-related problem or dispute, or any problem arising from your use of any of the Technology;

      4.4 Enforcement: Diono may use your Personal Information in the enforcement of this Policy or any other agreement, policy, or guidelines associated with any of the Technology;

      4.5 Customize, Measure, and Improve Technology User Experience: Diono may use your Personal Information in an anonymous manner for analytical and measuring purposes to understand how the Technology is used, through the use of internal or third-party analytics tools;

      4.6 Communication: Diono may use your Personal Information to interact with you directly concerning the Technology or Diono’s goods or service offerings;

      4.7 Fulfill Reporting and Legal Requirements: Diono may use your Personal Information for reporting and compliance when required or requested by applicable governmental, agency, and/or law enforcement authorities.

      Diono may disclose your Personal Information to a third party as detailed in this Policy:

      (a) in furtherance of Diono’s business operations, including without limitation assisting Technology users with search and information activities conducted via the Platform;

      (b) to comply with Diono’s legal obligations under applicable law or regulation;

      (c) to enforce Diono’s policies under this Policy, or any other policy or agreement you may be subject to pertaining to the Technology;

      (d) to respond to claims that your Personal Information or other information or content violates another party’s rights;

      (e) to protect any party’s rights, property, or safety.

      Diono may discloses your Personal Information to:

      (a) Officers, Agents, and Partners: Diono’s officers and agents in furtherance of their duties, as well as Diono’s business partners to whom you have purchased goods or have requested communications or information;

      (b) Law Enforcement and Government Agencies: Applicable law enforcement bodies and government agencies to allow them to identify users in connection with their investigations, mandated audits, and/or compliance activities;

      (c) Vendors and Service Providers: Diono’s service providers for: (i) the provision of IT, analytics, and/or related services relating to the Technology, (ii) payment processing, (iii) customer service activities including without limitation deliveries and customer support, or (iv) other applicable services in connection with Diono’s provision of the Technology;

      (d) Prospective Parties for Merger or Acquisition Purposes: Parties that may merge with or acquire Diono, or finance Diono in such activities, subject to confidentiality provisions;

      (e) Aggrieved Parties: Parties that may be victim to your illegal or unauthorized acts, specifically for identification purposes.

      The security of your Personal Information is important to Diono. Diono will only keep your Personal Information for the purposes detailed in Section 4 of this Policy, as long as is required by law, or as is relevant for the purposes for which it is collected. Your Personal Information will be stored in the following formats and locations:

      Cloud servers handled by SAP. Further information about SAP’s privacy policies and handling of Personal Information can be found here; and

      Cloud servers handled by Zendesk. Further information about Zendesk’s privacy policies and handling of Personal Information can be found here.

      Diono and its designated third parties employ generally accepted industry standards to store and protect your Personal Information. However, as the transmission of information over any wireless and wired networks cannot be absolutely secure, Diono does not warrant or guarantee that your Personal Information will remain permanently secure.

      In accordance with GDPR, Diono takes measures to ensure that your Personal Information is only transferred to third parties in accordance with this Policy, as effectuated through the inclusion in the following business and corporate operations: 

      (a) standard contractual clauses; 

      (b) binding corporate rules;

      (c) codes of conduct.

      The Technology may contain links to third-party websites and applications that are not owned or controlled by Diono. Diono has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, any share functionality, content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party website or application. When using any such third-party website or application, you are subject to the terms and policies, including without limitation personal information security and storage policies, of such third-party website or application. By affirmatively consenting to this Policy, or by otherwise using the Technology, you expressly relieve Diono from any and all liability arising from any share functionality or your use of any third-party website or application accessed from the Technology. Diono encourages you to investigate and ask questions before you disclose your personally identifiable information to any third-party website, application, or service provider.

      Diono is committed to protecting the privacy of children who use the Technology, and encourages parents and guardians to talk to their children about the safe and responsible use of their information and content on the Internet. In accordance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), Diono does not knowingly collect any Personal Information from children under 13 years of age without prior verifiable parental consent. Further, none of the Technology: (a) is made available to any person under 16 years of age; (b) publishes information or content from any person under 16 years of age; and (c) is targeted to any child under 16 years of age. Any person under 16 years of age who wishes to access or use the Technology must obtain their parent or guardian’s prior consent prior to any such use.

      You may be entitled to request a report concerning the collection, use, and storage of your Personal Information over a previous period that:

      (a) confirms whether your Personal Information has been collected and processed, and if so, the purpose for such collection and processing;

      (b) the categories and types of Personal Information collected and processed;

      (c) the recipients of any such Personal Information;

      (d) the estimated period for which your Personal Information will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine such storage period. If you would like a copy of this Privacy Report, you may do so by contacting Diono (Attn: Privacy Rights Report Request) at

      We value your privacy and respect your right to choose what kind of messages you receive from us. That’s why we follow the rules and regulations of the FTC Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act (CAN-SPAM Act), a federal law that sets the standards for commercial email. Here are some of the things we do to comply with the CAN-SPAM Act:

      (a) We use accurate and honest information in our email headers, such as the sender’s name, email address, and subject line.

      (b) We clearly identify our messages as advertisements or solicitations unless you have given us your express consent to receive them.

      (c) We provide you with a valid physical postal address where you can contact us.

      (d) We include a clear and easy way for you to opt out of receiving future emails from us, such as a link or an email address. We honor your opt-out requests promptly and without hassle.

      (e) We monitor our email campaigns and ensure that they are sent by us or by authorized third parties on our behalf.

      We take our compliance with the CANSPAM Act seriously and we strive to maintain a good relationship with our customers. If you have any questions or concerns about our email practices, please feel free to contact us at

      Diono reviews and updates this policy as needed at least every 12 months. Diono may post notifications of updates to this Policy on the Website or Platform, through the Services, or via e-mail to you and other Technology users.

      Changes made to this Policy will take effect immediately. If you do not agree to the changes to this Policy, you must discontinue your use of the Technology, and notify Diono of the same via the OPT-OUT section of this policy. Your access or use of the Technology after such Policy changes will not be permitted unless you provide affirmative consent to such Policy changes via the Technology.

      This policy is effective and was last updated: May 2024.

      To opt out of receiving email marketing activities from Diono, please click here to unsubscribe.

      To opt out of receiving SMS marketing activities from Diono, please text "STOP" to +1 (866) 968-2584.

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